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The Hameau des Lacs is located in the heart of the Aveyron

A department with a thousand facets, Aveyron combines landscapes and accents at all times.


From the great silent spaces of the Aubrac to the whirlwind of the Villefranche-de-Rouergue market, from the Templar and hospitable cities of Larzac to the legends surfing the rapids of the Viaur, from the shadows of the Cathar knights who took refuge in the citadel of Najac to the omnipresent memory of the Maquis who re-conquered every part of this country, from the pilgrims of Santiago de Compostela stopping off at Conques or elsewhere to the boatmen of the Tarn...

IHere, at every step, history is on the visitor's lips, inviting him to its table. It shares with him the bread and the gourmet treasures and exchanges authenticity.

You will enjoy the many gastronomic specialities: mourtayrol, coufidou, ham, pâtés, friton, sausage, black pudding, melsat, veal from Aveyron and Ségala, lamb, tripous du Rouergue, chicken sautéed with onions, foie gras, magret, stuffed neck of duck, crayfish, trout, game, stuffed potatoes, stuffed cabbage, "aligot" (a type of sausage made from potatoes and other meats)

But also with the various cheeses of the area: Roquefort, Pérail, farmhouse sheep's tomme, cow's tomme, which you can spread generously on our bread "Le panat" made in the old-fashioned way with rye leaven from a mixture of rye flour and malt.

At the end of the meal, if you are a bit greedy, you can taste the Aveyron pastries: cake and walnut pie from Lévezou, rissole, spit cake, flaune, fouace aveyronnaise, pompe à l'huile.

The Lévézou

The Lévézou region

Lévézou is a vast crystalline plateau situated at an average altitude of 900m.

It is above all an agricultural region: cattle and sheep breeding for meat and milk (especially ewe's milk used for the production of Roquefort cheese)

It is also an exceptional hydrographic network: the Viaur, the Tarn, the Vioulou, the Alrance and numerous rivers and streams

In addition, there are many lakes (mainly EDF reservoirs):

  •     lake of Pareloup (the largest) (1,290 ha)
  •     lake of Pont-de-Salars (190 ha)
  •     lake of Villefranche-de-Panat (192 ha)
  •     lake of Bage (50 ha)
  •     lake of la Gourde
  •     lake of Saint-Amans

Finally, it is a particularly well-preserved natural environment where the fauna and flora compete in richness. You can visit Micropolis, a leisure park dedicated to the world of insects, you can also observe numerous birds, discover rare plants, catch magnificent fish, swim in fresh, clear water... a little taste of paradise!

Villefranche de Panat

Villefranche-de-Panat, an ancient bastide dating from the 13th century, is one of the "Stations Vertes de Vacances" (green holiday resorts) located 45 km south of Rodez. This small village in the centre of the Aveyron is a representative sample of this hilly country of white water, lakes, heather moors, undergrowth, and overlooking the Tarn Valley.

Villefranche-de-panat is a small rural town of 800 inhabitants, a festive and sporting town.
The association "Courir en Lévézou" organises major events, such as the loops of the lake, Ikalana, or the night hikes.

The festival and entertainment committee is very efficient and proposes in particular the village festival which takes place on 14 July with a fireworks display on the lake. You might as well say that we have a front row seat. No need to move and go to the shooting range.

Located at the entrance to the village, Le Hameau des Lacs takes full advantage of all the services and shops available in Villefranche-de-panat.

You can do some shopping in the various food shops, the two butchers and the bakery.

The village also offers the possibility of eating out in the restaurants and pizzerias which are only a few hundred metres from the campsite.

It also has all the first aid medical services: doctor, nurse's surgery and pharmacy.

The "PACAP" space (Point Accueil Culture et Animation en Panatois) will allow you to withdraw documentation on places to visit, on hikes... The Hameau des Lacs also has a large selection of tourist documents.

If you are tempted by more crowded beaches or if you are looking for leisure facilities, Villefranche-de-panat has two beaches with supervised swimming in July and August.
In recent years, a hiking trail of about 10km has been laid out around the lake. You will discover other landscapes and a different perspective from your campsite.

And finally, there is no need to go far to do your shopping, every Sunday and Friday in the village square there is a farmer's market, and every 4th Thursday of the month, a fair.

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Villefranche de Panat fair

What to do? What to see?

Let's go! Shall we go for it?

The reservation is made, the road is made, you are installed in your chalet. The welcome drink is over... But what are you going to do now?

How about a little planning for the week?

After breakfast on Sunday morning, you can start by going to the farmers' market, which takes place in the village square.
In the afternoon, you can start with the Tour de Peyrebrune which will show you the lake from an altitude of 1100m. You might as well say that the view is grandiose. On the other hand, don't come back too late, there is the aqua-relaxation course at the pool. Don't forget it!

In the evening you can eat in the village square, where there is a night market.

 On Monday, you can go to the Millavois region. You can take the D44, or the road along the Tarn, towards Roquefort-sur-Soulzon to discover the cheese producers and their cellars. After stopping at the village restaurant, you can take the road back to Millau and its viaduct. And finally, on the way back to the campsite, you can go through the Gorges du Tarn. Their landscapes are breathtaking.

Tuesday is children's day. Visit Micropolis, the City of Insects. The park will delight young and old alike for a day full of discovery and excitement.

Wednesday is the day to visit the heritage of the Aveyron. Don't hesitate to push open the doors of our churches and religious buildings (chapels, oratories, churches, abbeys, priories, etc.). It is also an opportunity to discover some curiosities such as the Devil's Rock, a granite megalithic monument that you will find on the road between Arvieu and Bonneviale. After a few kilometres of walking, you can discover the Agen waterfall. From Agen d'Aveyron, you will take the direction of Millau for about 1.5km on the D29.

 Oh but it's the 4th Thursday of the month! So go and check out the monthly fair and discover lots of local products.

 If you want to go a little further afield, you can discover the village of Laguiole and the Aubrac plateau in the north of the department. In winter, the inhabitants of Aveyron go skiing there. In the west of the department, one of the most beautiful villages in France is only accessible on foot. It is Conques, which is on the way to Santiago de Compostela. And finally, to the east, the village of La Couvertoirade, home to the Templars and Hospitallers.

 Friday is a day of rest... It's time to pack up and get ready to head back home.

We hope you have had an invigorating week in the heart of Aveyron, Lévezou and the Hameau des Lacs

Fountain of Villefranche de panat


For centuries, Belcastel has been nestled in the hollow of the Aveyron valley.



The site of Conques, a major stop on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, is a cultural Mecca with an exceptional Romanesque heritage.



The village of NAJAC is built on either side of a single street that climbs the eminence that served as the natural foundation of the castle that dominates it.



Founded in the 13th century, the bastide of Sauveterre-de-Rouergue invites you into the heart of the Middle Ages.



Medieval city, birthplace of Champollion, decipherer of hieroglyphs.

Lake of Pareloup

Lake of Pareloup

The Lévézou invites you to enjoy its 1600 hectares of water under the sun. 3 lakes, each with 2 beaches.

Pradinas Animal Park

Pradinas Animal Park

A 20-hectare hilly park where you can discover film stars such as bears, wolves and falcons.

A Rodez

Notre-Dame de Rodez

Notre-Dame de Rodez

a Roman Catholic cathedral built between the 13th and 16th centuries


Soulages Museum

Soulages Museum

Several guided tours are organised throughout the year.

more about the guided tours

Denys-Puech Museum

Denys-Puech Museum

The museum presents the works donated by the artist Denys Puech to the city of Rodez.

see the museum's website

Fenaille Museum

Fenaille Museum

The most important collection of statue-menhirs in the world!

see the museum's website